How a metal briquetting press can slash costs and improve your business
Automotive manufacturers, aerospace, parts manufacturers, machine shops and scrap yards all over the U.S. use metal briquetting to save money and reduce waste.
Benefits of metal briquetting:
- Create new revenue streams by selling briquettes to foundries for top dollar (our customers get near solid prices)
- Save money by recovering and reusing metal scrap, cutting fluids, grinding oils, or emulsion
- Meet company sustainability goals
- Increase the yield of your melt
- Reduce harmful waste by reclaiming sludge

RUF briquetters produce a denser, more consistent briquette than other briquetting machines. And, RUF machines are the only proven solution for reclaiming sludge. What makes our machines so different? Take a look under the hood.
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RUF chip briquetting presses work with a wide variety of industrial metals.
We know how frustrating it is to feel like you’re leaving money on the floor.
RUF metal briquetting systems can change that. Every day your manufacturing processes produce scrap—turnings, chips and shavings—that pile up on equipment and the floor. Storing scrap in bins takes up valuable space. And then there’s the unprocessed sludge to manage. Briquetting metal scrap eliminates the costly hassle of waste and turns it into profits.
A modern metal briquetting system starts saving you money and reducing waste from day one.
Benefits of RUF metal briquetting systems:
- Pay for themselves in less than 18 months
- Reduce the volume of scrap by as much as 20-to-1
- Have compact designs for easy integration into existing production lines
- Recover up to 97% of expensive cutting fluids used in your metalworking process (such as oil, lubricants and other liquids)
- Keep labor costs down because RUF’s systems are engineered for automatic, 24-hour operation with low horsepower
- Produce up to 10,000 pounds of briquettes per hour

See what our customers have to say about their experience with RUF Briquetting.
“Our moisture content threshold for getting optimum return for our chips is 2%. With RUF briquettes, our chips contain only 1.1% to 1.8% moisture. This drastically improves our chip resale revenues—by about 50 cents per pound.“
Ralf Wagner, Technical Director at UTM
How are metal briquettes made?
Metal briquettes are made of two things: Metal and pressure. That’s it. A RUF metal briquetting machine hydraulically presses the metal byproducts under high pressure to create a dense, high quality product.
Step 1
Metal shavings or chips are moved to a pre-charging chamber by a screw conveyor.
Step 2
A pre-charger presses the material into the main pressing chamber.
Step 3
Cutting fluids are removed.
Step 4
The main pressing ram compresses the material into the mold and forms the briquette into its final shape and density.
Step 5
Briquettes are pushed out of the machine one at a time.
types of Metal Briquetting Machines
RUF offers several metal briquetting models. Our briquetting experts will help you select the optimal system based on your metals, briquette your materials to prove out a solution, and install and support your system. So you can feel confident that your business can reap all the benefits of metal briquetting.